Theres something really creative behind this update. They definitely didnt phone it in. So, first, a lot of fun for a free game... And theres also the problem. The worth of coins in the game is less than that of gems. To put it in perspective, to unlock either if the 2 locked realms on the map youd need to play for a totally crazy amount of time to amass the 1000 (!) gems needed - or spend... $100 real life dollars. Which is nuts, right? Thats more than console games. Possible 2 of them. The need to conserve gems towards the distant dream of unlocking the map means when you die you inevitably watch an ad for one free save (rather than spend a precious gem). Which means watching the same ad over and over and over. Add in the in-between runs ads for another prominent App Store title and the whole experience becomes a bit relentless, the undoubted joy of the game diminished. What a pity! If there was a reasonable charge to go ad-free between runs, Id pay it. If you could simply pay a sensible amount to unlock the 2 realms on the map, Id pay it. As it stands, unless Im missing something, Imangi have gone down the dark path of greed on this one. Too many coins in your eyes. Let us pay and play at an affordable level please! (And yes, I know, first world problems a-go-go!)
Candradasa about Temple Run 2, v1.36